Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Kristen Burton and I am a 2016 graduate from VCU with a Master’s in Environmental Science. Before school, I was a bartender for eight years, but always had a passion for environmental conservation and issues. I was born and raised in Virginia and live happily with my boyfriend and two adorable cats.
What has been your favorite project at EQR?
Lithia Road Corrective Action Plan in Buchanan, VA. I enjoyed this project due to the tranquility and size of the stream since I am most familiar with smaller channel systems in congested areas.
What is your role/job at EQR?
Assistant Project Manager. I assist in managing projects around the Richmond area and take care of all associated landscaping.
What have you gained from working at EQR?
I have gained a different perspective on environmental protection. I can now fully appreciate the diligence and costs it takes to enhance and repair a stream/ecosystem.
What is your proudest moment at EQR?
When I constructed an 80’ brush toe structure at Lithia Rd.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
I love to travel and do anything outdoors. I also like to read and do anything arts and craft related.
What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
My favorite place I’ve traveled so far is New Zealand. The landscape was amazing; I also went skydiving and deep water caving for the first time.
How do you define success?
I would define success as the moment when you can uphold healthy relationships with the people you work with and the clients you work for all while completing your tasks efficiently.
What are your hopes for our industry?
I hope that one day contractors, consultants, and owners will be able to work more harmonious with one another. My future aspiration is that the value of our craft is more appreciated considering the complexity of the systems in which we work.