Herring Run stream, located in Towson, MD has seen many problems linked to erosion due to fast- running rain water draining from impervious surfaces.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has mandated (through TMDL targets) that there be reductions amounts of pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment going into the bay from our damaged watersheds. In order to make progress in these mandated reductions, Baltimore County Government contracted EQR to help to restore around 1,900 feet of tributary that flows into the Herring Run, into the Back River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay.
Herring Run suffers from something restoration experts call "urban stream syndrome" which is uncontrolled or insufficiently controlled stormwater from impervious surfaces enters streams at a much faster rate than it might normally, resulting in bank erosion and sediment problems. This is an issue facing many streams today.
This projects purpose and impact is multifaceted. One purpose is to protect exposed Baltimore County Sanitary sewer assets which are buried alongside the stream - which could lead to breakage in the line. Another, is to reduce sediment run off from this highly eroded stream. Excess sediment runoff is one of the leading causes of the bay's poor health. Stream restoration is one of the most effective ways to achieve these goals. To solve the erosion issue in Herring Run, we had to restore the stream to a more natural landscape for the stream to flow. By doing this, the stream will have a more natural flow, creating cleaner water, and it will create a new and improved habitat for the diverse life that lives near the stream.
Overall the projects purpose is to protect Baltimore County stream lines. This, in turn will create cleaner water that will flow from the Herring Run into Back River which will ultimately create a healthier Chesapeake Bay.
Contact EQR:
As environmental construction experts for over 26 years, Environmental Quality Resources is proud of our mission of working outdoors to preserve and protect our watershed in a positive way. Visit us online or give us a call at (410) -923-8680 to get more information and see if we are what you’re looking for. Looking to see what we are currently working on and more about our company? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube!